Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Photographic Memories
Monday, September 27, 2010
Twin Breeze
Speaking of my doll life, I actually got promoted to Season Spirit of November - Luna! I'm so happy. I actually think that the month of November fits me better than the month of January, which had been my original hope for a rank. Autumn is more of my season, the cool breezes, the medium temperature, crisp appleas and walking in the gentle winds through the park while the leaves brush the path clean of all your footsteps.
I'm ever so grateful the Council and Mi-chama had decided to promote me. Now I'll work harder than ever to continue making the Sanctuary a wonderful place. Being on a Semi-Hiatus is never an excuse.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Obscure Tears
Gosh I've been so out of blogging lately...=_=
School is going by well for the most part, though the pirannah has been acting up a little bit recently, thinking she's so cool and yelling a mocking 'Hi!' out from the school bus window. How I wish her tongue was twisted into knots so she'd leave me alone. How do you get it into people's brains - I. Don't. Want. To. Know. You. That's it. DIDDO. And even if you tell me you hate me too you still continue to whisper behind my back and pay so much attention to me. So I'm not gonna waste any more energy on her. If I have to I'll teach her a fir lesson and go straight up to my teacher but maybe I'll teach her in my own method.
Everything really feels the same and at moments a little obscure, at least for me. I wonder why I have been feeling so confused deep inside, why I can't decide between people, between what I want and what I don't, who I don't like and who I do.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
White Iris
This little blizzard inside of me is suddenly and surprisingly growing into a pleasant feeling. I never though something that began as something so depressing could turn into something so free, so pleasant. I've been in the midst of many fights lately, most among my friends or those people who aren't in my class but I still look over at, and I've been feeling isolated because of that. I mean my best friend is trying to keep a stalker jerk away from her while another friend of mine is hanging around that same stalker jerk. My crush hasn't been noticing me and rumours have slowly been drifting around about me again. But even amongst this seemingly lonely blizzard I'm feeling safe right now, safely guarded from everything and everyone.
I would give everything though, to see two people, two people I hold dear. One whom I have not yet met, but I feel his presence, that sweet smell that lingers lately, and a gentle breeze that passes by like a hushed voice; the one I am destined to meet. The other is one whom I should have forgotten, but hold dear within me. He is still by my side no matter how often I feel that he has left me, my first ever childish love, a memory that still lingers in my mind. It's these two that seperate my roads and make me wonder of how life will change. Yes there are others who I care about, like my close friend, my crush, and others, classmates of mine, but I can't help but feel ties to these two.
Ah, how twisted life is. But I've met so many wonderful people, especially the dolls, who help me see every day that even when I think that life has taken a turn for the worst, it's not fully dark until I give up on everything. I'm grateful to these people, even though I've said this thousands of times I still feel like I haven't said it enough.
It's one day though that I'll have the strength to stand on my own and let everything sink into me. But until that day comes I'll still rely on those people I know. Becoming a doll has showed me how life could be for me, and I met new people I wouldn't have met on the other side of this globe. My classmates, my friends, even my enemies - who, though I hate, still teach me things - ar blocks of my life. It's like they say, you can't rush to make a jigsaw puzzle until you have all the pieces. I won't rush with mine and take it a step at a time so everything could take it's turn.
'Life's not measured by the number of breaths you take,
Saturday, September 11, 2010
House of Cards
Mood: forgotten, curious
Ah, I think I'm beginning to slowly feel better. Not fully of course but just a little bit. How I hate drawing title pages lately though, and just my luck - I have 3 of them to do: one for Geography, another for Science and another for History. I wish I had a sudden slam of an idea hit me so that I could get the whole assignment over with.
On a brighter note.....KH BIRTH BY SLEEP IS OUT FOR ALMOST A WEEK 8D Lol, call me a fan but I'm growing addicted to the series. I really wanna get it - so far it's #1 on my Video Games list which I wanna get. I heard already that it's like no other game from the series and that makes me feel all hyper excited already. Of course, it does cost quite a bit so I gotta save up money...=_=
And I've officially applied to try becoming a Gem in the Sanctuary. Sure gonna be something cause I need an approval from all the current Gems and four of the Doll Council members, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it - as long as I try my best I shouldn't be disappointed because I know I gave it everything I've got.
What else should I mention...? Um, I dunno. I'm looking forward to this grade 8 year though, because of the Me To We, grad board, grad year book, and the Idol Talent Show we're holding. Gotta muster up my courage this year and audition - I think I've found the perfect song to sing. I plan to sing Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri so that means I've gotta perfect it soon since the talent show will most likely be between Christmas and February, and in my opinion winter is the perfect place to hold a talent show. Right now though I wanna enjoy myself a little bit, go listen to some more music and maybe write a little bit of my book.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Staircase to Heaven
Honestly I don't even know what to feel anymore. Don't get me wrong - I'm not going emo or anything but the faster my brain is rushing on things, like it is lately, the faster I run out of juice. Things so aren't going easy, that I know for sure. Grade 8 has proven to be a greater challenge than I had thought it was, and in a number of points I underestimated it.
I've managed to regain my confidence when I look at who are concidered the 'popular people' because right now, I don't feel that I'm, if that much worse, that different from them, particularly one girl who I always worry about and try comparing myself to (let's see how good you are at guessing this Sof ^^). But now I don't really think that way. I see myself as different from everyone, yes, but in some aspects uncomparable. So it hasn't been bothering me so strongly as before.
The greatest problem is however is the emotional rollercoaster that's been going on non-stop these past few days since I've come to school. Okay, seriously, can someone calm that guy down!? He's not acting normal I swear. If he puts another toe in the same direction he's been heading for the past while then I wish him luck surviving my anger, cause I'll tell him off for two years, and trust me, that's a lot of ranting!
On the bright side I'm feeling a little easier in regards to my feelings. Looks like my emotions for my crush have frozen down a little so I've maintained a basicly calm nature lately, which is good. The other guy....well I'm calm about him too. I don't wanna have any feelings for either of them stirring up before the next coming dance. That's when I normally become soft and nerve wrecked.
And now I'm off to have another cup of warm orange peacoy tea that will officially calm down my thoughts and hopefully tomorrow will follow in another one of the peaceful patterns I've been having lately. I'm not in the mood for much adventure lately, so let's hope it's avoided.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Dissintigrated Angels
Okay....so, like I promised, here's an update on my first day back at school. But to be honest, right now, I can't sort out my own feelings. If someone can unjamble my thoughts, kindly do so. I don't feel like myself right now, so therefore I won't be talking about my first day of school in the sense of who I have in my class and what class I'm in - my emotions are more important than that - what I feel, what I think.
Right now though I just wanna breathe it all out cause you know what, I think I've found the problem. Him, and...him.....the two 'him's are beginning to slowly rot my brain. Sof, if you're reading this don't try to understand, cause I don't know myself. It's just so messed.
I feel trapped right now, like someone capped a top over my life and I'm sliding around in a bottle. I got seperated from him as we're now in seperate classes, but just when I thought I'd stop liking anyone I looked at the other him. Why is it that my feelings are frozen one moment and melting the other? Why? Why is everything so wrong? I'm not supposed to like him. It's not love, it shouldn't be even like, but I still feel something for him. What is wrong with me...He's stuck in my mind now.
*slams head on the desk* Grr this ain't normal. I curse you both - you're the only two guys who have ever stolen my sanity and made me gasp for breath every single moment. Is this what living is like? I feel like a fallen angel around you two, so helpless yet hopeful. Nothing calms me down anymore but being around you both. Even through all those insults you might give me or cold jokes...why? I don't know what to do. I'm not meant to feel like this, to feel so attached. I've never felt human but this....
*sighs* Just let my brain take a rest, listen to some more music. Maybe that'll calm me down and I'll see what tomorrow brings. Hopefully my sanity will return so I won't crumple in my own hands. Let the night breeze sweep the thoughts clean.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Endless Nocturne

Listening To: Release of the Far West Ocean by Falcom Sound Team
Friday, September 3, 2010
Waning Paradise
I've been feeling refreshed from yesterday's facial I got at Yves Rocher. It's a good thing I went to talk to a professional cause all this acne was honestly getting out of hand and my pores were about as clogged as ever. Of course I'm not exactly the type of person to get a facial so I wasn't used to it but it was fun, I'm planning on going there every month or so, maybe a few weeks if my face gets too dirty.
Anyways, DS is closed again for monthly maintanance and this is my last weekend before school. Not exactly looking forward to seeing everyone again but I'm not dieing of horror either. It's just a...meh...neutral feeling I guess. It's gonna be boring most of the time anyways - at least I have some new books to kill some time with there. Plus class orientation is always such a pain since there's a whole number of people I don't wanna be in the same class with.
So this I guess means that starting from Tuesday I'll be going Semi Hiatus, to all the dolls out there. I'll be sure to get online as much as I can since I just can't seem to stay away from everyone, but my school work and application to high school will be taking more time away from me. And since my Doll Family is growing I'll be sure to spend more and more time talking to everyone. Twinnie hasn't been online so much though - I really miss her....
Then I guess I'll be going for now, but expect a post on Monday cause it'll be my final post of the summer and my official thoughts about my whole vacation. I always do it for the past two years - looking over what I've done over the summer, what I hope to do/feel at school, and since I'm graduating next year in June then what I want to do with everyone before I graduate (that includes punishing some naughty boys). But till then, I'm gonna go catch some of the last summer's rays.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Forgotten Wonderland

I wish I could be Alice right now and take a leap through that rabbit hole and into Wonderland, but unlike her, I bet you I'd never come out of there, not even for all the money in the world.
It's my last. week. of. summer. That already spells out 'drama' in more than a dozen ways. Not that I miss summer too much - it would be nice to get back to school and stuff some more knowledge into my head.
I've actually been pretty bored latly. If I could, I'd crawl into one of my favourite animes and just live in there for the rest of my life but sadly, I can't do that. It's painful living every day in such a reality where you hate everything you're doing. But that's life, and you gotta pick up the slack to it.
So what else...? I don't know. I just feel like I'm suffocating again. It's not like I wanna leave this world but living in it doesn't bring too uch happiness. Believe me, I'm super far from being an emo child but how can I say this, I look at life for what it is, not the sugar coated trash people try to shove under my nose. That's what makes me sick of life. All I can rely on is a better future where fences won't stop me from reaching my heights.
Now all that's left is to enjoy this last week of summer, cause next Tuesday it's school again and I'll be seeing everyone around. At least this summer I was able to find a solitude, a little paradise where I could be safely hidden awaywithout worrying about people coming after me and ruining that dream.
I really got out of blogging lately but I think once school starts this blog will liven up a little with all my talking about school and how constantly I'm being harassed. Haha, it's gonna be a normal life again.....yuppie.....baka baka classmates....
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Crystal Voices
How I hate being sick....I always feel really really REALLY messed up. My nose is stuffy, my throat feels abnormal when I swallow, ah I just wish everything was back to normal...
Not really much to do when you're sick. I mean, I've been practically napping all day and just reading some books. Today the weather's been gloomy too - misty and humid the whole dang day. When will this weather end? I mean of course this is better than a hot summer but still, it's getting a little out of hand.
Hum, what else...? Well i've been looking around the Sanctuary again. Things there are good like normal, so I can't complain. Haven't seen my twin in a while on there, or even talked to her.
Well I think that about covers it. A surprisingly short entry for once. And on a side note, it's already the end of August, and school starts up again soon (which is both good and bad). Hoping for a good school year where I can finally feel normal again.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Crystal Wings

I HAVE RETURNED MY NORMAL POST EDITOR BACK! *Hallelujah song plays in the background* My stupid blog marked it under 'Old Post Editor' so I changed the settings to the old post editor and now I can finally edit my posts normally again....*tearing up* Ah, that makes me so happy...Let's just hope nothing more crashes on me or that I won't lose the current post editor *hugs it* Mine, you hear me Blogger team peoples, MINE! Take it away and my whole blogging experience will crash!
Ah, no more screwed up spacing, or, or...Ah, it's so good to have you back...
Ahem, so now that my happy phras is over and done with I can get onto some bigger news....I GOT A CELLPHONE!!! *does a happy dance* Hehe, now I can be more independant and whenever mom and I have to go shopping I'll have it to call dad instead of worrying and wondering when he'll pick us up. I like it. Even though it's not one of those new ones with the slide out keyboard made especially for texting I still like it. It's easy to carry and handle.
Hum, what else has happened to me so far...? Well I've been watching more animes and picked up some new mangas. Too many books on hold at the library for me, 95% of which are mangas. LOL, what can I say, I'm a heavy reader.
Haven't made much progress on my book though. That's upsetting me cause I've been wanting to work super hard on it all summer. I had a few more mental images from the book in my head though, but I still can't get to putting it down on paper. What can I say, I'm hell lazy at times.
Everything else has been rather quiet around the Sanctuary. It's almost 2 months since I've been there. Ah, time sure flies. I've been talking a lot to everyone around there, and things have been rather fun. Hope I still can spend time over there when I start school - it'll one heck of a chaos next year after all.
Speaking of school, around three weeks are left. When it'll officially be a week the countdown to school begins. A part of me wants to get back but a part of me is still holding back and doesn't wanna give in. It's like two different people are having a war inside my body to take over...
Oh well, let's hope everything turns up well. And now I think I'll be going to get a breath full of free air out by the lake - it's sure been a while since I've gone out.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Shikyu Corner
Listening To: Hello Seatle by Owl City
Thursday, August 12, 2010
A Clover Each Day...
Monday, August 9, 2010
Iris Garden Blog
I'll be starting out with simply posting short stories. If things go well and everyone enjoys reading my blog then I will maybe think about trying to post chapters from one of my books (I have started about 5 but am currently only progressing on one...XP). I would do it though for my friend Lissa-chan, because I'm sure she's look forward to it. My archives will have every single post in there, so please be sure to check it out also.
So yeah, I think that pretty much covers the whole thing...*sighs lightly* Ah, so starting tomorrow I will try posting short stories. Trust me, I have a lot, so please do be patient with me on that. I will label parts and all the accoarding things so that it will be clear what part number you are reading, if it's the end of the series, and all that stuff. I want to make it as organized as possible. Also, in the Shoutbox please do leave your opinions on the stories and any insighful comments - I love browsing through them; makes me feel like people care about my work TT^TT
And now I officially have two blogs to managa XD I'm sure I'll be up for the challenge though, and I can always take a break from one of them at any time.
So now I'll start searching through my folders and binders to find stories to post. Do check by for updates!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Exausted Happiness

Saturday, August 7, 2010
New Shikyu
Kaleb: Hello *waves slightly. Nice to meet you all. It's so nice to finally be adopted into such a caring home TT^TT
And so begins the new life of my new Shikyu Kaleb. ^^
Friday, August 6, 2010
Fragile Wishes
So the Sanctuary will be under maintinance for the next few days so that means I get a break from the computer, right? Well, not really true. That means.....MORE TIME FOR MANGA READING! ^O^ Lol, I found some good series that I started to read, like Momo, Tegami Bachi, and Zombie-Loan (don't ask why, I have been in a little mood for mysteries/gory adventures lately). Arisa is another series and I can't wait for my favourite mangas like Barajou No Kiss and Stray Love Hearts to be updated with new chapters. Tooyama Ema's new manga KamiKami Kaeshi looks to be very interesting, judging from some of her amazing artwork I've seen (like I said amazing as usual) so I'll be staying tuned for that.
Have a very busy weekend ahead of me - tomorrow is my lil bro's b-day (he's turning 4! Haha, happy birthday! ^^) so I, like usually, will once again pull out my special watercolour paper, my lead pencil, eraser, paintbrushes, paints AND watercolour pencils and sits down to doodle a cute little card for him. I'm beginning to run out of ideas though for creative cards, but I hope my flow won't stop and I'll continue to make great cards that make everyone happy. I remembered of my concept of these animals I called 'Meefas' who are baby blue coloured, have bell-shaped heads with their fur poking in tufts at the bottom, big fluffy ears, smallish bodies but big puffy tails. I think I'll draw a card with one of those cause it's been forever since I've used them anywhere. Hope he likes it. ^^
Then this Sunday I'm going off to a wedding of one of my dad's friends, and he also happens to be my little brother's godfather (what a coinkidink!). It'll be like a normal wedding but I think with russian traditions, cause all of the people there speak russian (even though my family is ukrainian background) but I honestly don't know what to expect. To be honest, ever since I was little I've been paranoid about weddings, thinking how they are the end of the road, though I sometimes wonder if I'll ever have my own wedding when I grow up, or what it'll be like...
Ahem, so, anyways, I dunno why but I miss school. It's not really normal for someone like me who's tortured at school to wanna go back there. Yeah, I have one reason but I don't think it's a very valid one (I keep it to myself, unless you know it already *hint at my best friend who's following this blog*). I also wanna see everyone again and yeah, so that's a few more reasons right there. I hope that this year will be better than last because I've had to put up with so much stupidity I can't even start to describe it. There's also one girl I soooo don't wanna have in my class. I hate her for everything she did to me, and she hates me too. Wish she could get it deep down into her skull.
Oh, and that reminds me, before I go, I had talked to my best friend about my childhood friend John Sudol and how I've been trying to find him for all these years. We were tight friends, to be honest, and have been seperated many years ago. I've been trying to find him but without luck. I talked to my friend yesterday and she suggested we try looking on FB. We found one who could fit him, but after he accepted my friend's friend request and she looked over his profile he turned out to be older than my age, but the John I was friends with was and is my age. Ah, better luck next time. I'm still sure I'll see him one day though, judging from all those dreams I've been having.
And now I'm off to enjoy the nice breeze by the lake!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Blackened Abyss
Listening To: Starry Waltz by Kukui
Hm, well, what can I say - today is the last day of July, which means I only got a month and a week before school starts again, and frankly, my lack of inspiration for things has been getting me nowhere.
It's been rather dark and dull here these past few days and I haven't been going out much lately because I've been feeling in pain. I feel trapped lately, like a butterfly in a cage, and no matter how hard I want I can't get out.
My favourite mangas haven't been updated yet and I watched all the new episodes of the anime series that I'm currently watching. If anyone knows any good mangas that they could recomend, PLEASE DO SO ASAP, cause frankly, I'm dieing of boredom.
Well, actually that's not fully true, cause I've been rather hooked on watching detective mysteries lately, such as the 60s (I think it's the 1960s...) American TV series Columbo, the russian version of Sherlock Holmes which was shot some odd 30 years ago I think, the American movie Sherlock Holmes with Robert Downy Junior (oh gosh the movie was sooo good....<3),and of course, my personal favourite, the TV series based on the popular books of Agatha Christie, it's Poirot! With them nearby I won't be bored any time soon
Oh, forgot to mention - I think I found a solution to what the connection between jake and Kai is! YAAAAY!!! d^-^b *does a happy dance* And I think this will sort a number of loopholes I've had cause it makes things simpler but at the same time makes the plot more interesting I think and more complex.
So, that's all for now. You'll be hearing from me now in August, but till then, I've got a book to work on, not only cause I wanna try publishing it but also cause a friend of mine today said she really wants to read at least a little bit of it. So for her and for everyone who's anxiously awaiting to find out more bout my book, I'll be trying to continue to write.
Later days! ^-~
Friday, July 30, 2010
Red Demon

Basically, the book titles gives a hint to what the story is about. The main protagonist is a girl named Christine Hartes, who is branded as a carefree loner at school but at the same time a smart and talented one too. Her closest friend is a girl named Skye Geraldo, whom she trusts like her own sister, and for some time they have both had a crush on the same guy - Miles Greever. He's popular, funny, and accoarding to Skye totally into Christine. Too bad he makes too many cold jokes to truly show it.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Playful Days
Don't let the song choice fool you, it's for a very specific reason that I'm listening to it. The melody is actually very beautiful, to be honest.
The reason I'm pumped is cause today is working out rather well, and I'm still rather happy from yesterday cause I got so much inspiration for my book and got to write quite a lot.
Half Queen is progressing well so far, but I'm only on Chapter 3, not even 15% into the whole story/book, and already I have 31 pages written. I'm no longer sure if writing a lot/detailed is a good thing, cause it's something I always do and I'm not sure if it's a good trait or not.
There is one thing however that just has me baning my head against the wall, and that is some loopholes later on in the story. Yeah, so Christina, the Hybrid Alpha, has to go between the two worlds so she's not killed by Kai, who hates her and wants to kill her, but there are details that I can't sort out.
1) How did she get to the human world?
Ugh I swear if I don't sort out these details my whole book will have loopholes. Maybe that's what editors are for which then means I'll be needing a good editor later on but I do have to come up with a solid plot. Gah, I curse it when I have such holes in my creativity! *walks up to a wall and smacks her head on it*
If anyone by any chance has any ideas on anything that they had read in books before and stuff, PLEASE LEMME KNOW! I'm dieing here without inspiration! I can't finish a book without fully writing it in my head...TT^TT
*sniffs* Oh well, I'll work on the things I can right now and then probably try sorting those things out when I start coming close to that part in the plot. Maybe that'll work...
Monday, July 26, 2010
Naughty Little Angel

.....................After all these questions, I have a sudden urge to let my frustration out.............Now if you'll excuse me................*jumps on her bed and starts punching her pillows* Stupid stupid world! XP
Calliope: ............Please don't mind Riri-san, she's just having another one of her little......'reality swings'..............
Whistea: *smacks Rowanne on the head with her scepter* Watch what you say - our mistress is just having a tough time, that's all. And you should learn to be more human and sensitive
Ah, my Shikyus.....I can always count on them. ^^

Sunday, July 25, 2010
Story of Evil ~ Cherry Stained
Okay, so you must've noticed my new bloggie layout by now. All credits go to my friend nevey for making this amazing layout! I couldn't have made such an amazing blog layout by myself so thank you times a million! ^O^
Ah, it's almost the end of July, and then it's only August and a few days of September before I'm off to school and have to once again work my butt off and dealing with all the hardships of school.
How I hate when I make plans for summer and nothing turns out the way I wanted for it to be.
Actually, I've had a pleasent surprise just a few nights ago when I went shopping and found such an awesome dress that I bought it. Nothing super fancy that I'd wear for grad but I simply love it. It's Lady Pink coloured and I think silk cotton. So soft and stretchy....I wanna wear it to Quebec next year.
Still gotta pick out a grad dress though, and I've got my eyes on one that I think will be perfect. Trying to find it in Toronto and not sure if the American site I found it on will ship to Canada.
Now, the thing that worries me most - my book. Ah, I can't say I didn't do any work on it, I mean I got past a few rough edges I've had with it but I still have a looooooong way to go to finish writing it. I'm currently on page 28 on MicrosoftWord and trying to write at least a little everyday. So far that's not working out a time is slipping out of my hands.
Speaking of time it's been over a month since I joined the Himuro doll family! Yaaay! ^^ *does a little dance* Sadly Mi-chama is on Hiatus because she has a school trip and said she will be gone for half a month or so. It's been almost 3 weeks since she announced it. Can't wait till she gets back, and just kinda saying I hope I can get an elite rank this year, well, at least I'm working towards achieving that goal. Right now though I'm just a happy Puppet of the family.
Kirin-chan has been down lately - fights and emotional stress so I'm trying to help her. But I've been feeling more lonely and can't put the feeling away, and even right now when I'm talking to her the feeling still lingers. It mostly happens when I see two people, two dolls in the Sanctuary, and that feeling arises. It's almost like I'm back in real life and feeling the same way like normally, the feeling I want to escape and one of the reasons why I decided to join the Sanctuary.
Well I'm being all whiney right now, so I think that's all for now. I should go change my act a little right now and stop feeling so down. I've still got more summer ahead and things can always change in the near future. Right now though, I'm not in the best mood because I'm in a way angry with myself.
Yup, this is a story of evil, but it's cherry stained with the emotions of mine that I can't hide. When will this evil quite lurking, if it ever will...?