Sunday, August 8, 2010

Exausted Happiness

Day: August 8/10   Eating: chocolate fudge ice cream
Listening To: Nothing - too tiered for anything...
Mood: Tiered, happy

Oh gosh, today was so tiering! I swear for a first wedding in my life I'm happy, for the lack of a better word. Everything was so much fun and so exciting (although it good very hot in the beginning when we were taking photos outside) but oh well, you can't have absolutely everything going exactly your way. Then when it got to celebrating it was so much fun I literally was falling over my own feet by the end!

My brother was surprisingly good today (gosh he's such a cutie in public but, at home...) so that's good. As I said before the groom is my dad's close friend and my lil bro's godfaher, so we're all really tight, plus the bride too. Though there were some people gossiping behind my back, I could feel it. Gosh why is it that wherever I go I always cause such a racket....? Meh, never mind - you can't have absolutely everything going your way, right?

So, I'm planning on going off to bed earlier today - too tiered to do much, so this blog post will be relatively short compared to all the other blog posts that I have done.

Oh, forgot to mention, I am now planning on creating a seperate blog that will house all of my short stories and I am even planning on maybe posting parts of my books there in the future. All details on this will be in the next blog post (which will most likely be tomorrow). I have a few things planned out, such as that I have found a template that I like and I think I found the perfect name for the blog too, but I won't leak out any more details - everything will be in the next blog post so there, now you have something to look forward to.

And now I am off to chill a bit and then gonna take a nice cold bath and go off to bed. Hope the Sanctuary maintanance will be finished tomorrow so I can spend some more time on there.


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