Saturday, August 21, 2010

Crystal Wings

Day: August 19, 2010
Eating: nothing, but frankly, I'm not craving anything either
Listening To: Lost Butterfly by Rurutia
Mood: sooo.....happy.....TT^TT

I HAVE RETURNED MY NORMAL POST EDITOR BACK! *Hallelujah song plays in the background* My stupid blog marked it under 'Old Post Editor' so I changed the settings to the old post editor and now I can finally edit my posts normally again....*tearing up* Ah, that makes me so happy...Let's just hope nothing more crashes on me or that I won't lose the current post editor *hugs it* Mine, you hear me Blogger team peoples, MINE! Take it away and my whole blogging experience will crash!

Ah, no more screwed up spacing, or, or...Ah, it's so good to have you back...

Ahem, so now that my happy phras is over and done with I can get onto some bigger news....I GOT A CELLPHONE!!! *does a happy dance* Hehe, now I can be more independant and whenever mom and I have to go shopping I'll have it to call dad instead of worrying and wondering when he'll pick us up. I like it. Even though it's not one of those new ones with the slide out keyboard made especially for texting I still like it. It's easy to carry and handle.

Hum, what else has happened to me so far...? Well I've been watching more animes and picked up some new mangas. Too many books on hold at the library for me, 95% of which are mangas. LOL, what can I say, I'm a heavy reader.

Haven't made much progress on my book though. That's upsetting me cause I've been wanting to work super hard on it all summer. I had a few more mental images from the book in my head though, but I still can't get to putting it down on paper. What can I say, I'm hell lazy at times.

Everything else has been rather quiet around the Sanctuary. It's almost 2 months since I've been there. Ah, time sure flies. I've been talking a lot to everyone around there, and things have been rather fun. Hope I still can spend time over there when I start school - it'll one heck of a chaos next year after all.

Speaking of school, around three weeks are left. When it'll officially be a week the countdown to school begins. A part of me wants to get back but a part of me is still holding back and doesn't wanna give in. It's like two different people are having a war inside my body to take over...

Oh well, let's hope everything turns up well. And now I think I'll be going to get a breath full of free air out by the lake - it's sure been a while since I've gone out.



  1. Weee~ You having happy lately :DDD

  2. Haha, yup, you can say that. I've been feeling a lot better now though compared to how I was a few weeks ago.
