Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Clover Each Day...

Day: August 12/10  Eating: bowl of cinammon-apple oatmeal
Listening To: Fireflies by Owl City
Mood: a little screwed up..

Okay, so it's probably not a secret that I've been feeling emotionally stressed these past few days. Or maybe some people don't know that...Anyways, to keep things short and sweet, yes, I've been under some difficult times. Not to mention my 'New Post' editor has been acting up on me which is irritating me cause it makes huge gaps between the writing if I wanna create just a small paragraph. If anyone knows how to fix this, this glitch please lemme know - I can't put pictures to the side now like I did normally without running into issues with the spacing. Ugh, why is everything so, so....just forget it.

Ahem, so, I've been asked by a number of people (you probably guess by now who they are): "What have you been doing?" Well, hum, lemme think.......NOTHING. Well, I'll be honest with myself I did some painting, a little reading, mostly listened to music....I've been mostly in the DS lately.

Oh, and, found out my crush has a girlfriend who's 4 years older than him. Yaay, I think I like a total idiot XP. No seriously, everything's taken such a weird turn it's not even funny. I wish I could just be chained into my book and live in there - everything is so much happier there.

Oh and I actually came up with a possible ending for my book - not that bad I gotta admit but not sure if it would be satisfying. I feel like a moron lately! Peoples help me! this isn't normal! ><

Ah, on the other hand, my last Shikyu, Dali the Clockwork Rabbit, should be coming soon, so then you'll get to chat with all five of my Shikyus. Rowanne's been a little happier though I gotta admit, and Whistea is feeling better after her recent little 'depression'. Calliope and Kaleb are okay and happy like normal, though Calli has been fighting hard in the Colliseum. Whistea gave up and Rowanne is only beginning while Calliope is ending her battle very soon. Ah Rowanne, hurry up and fight before the first round ends this week!

Ah, so this is just a short random entry, to file out all my thoughts. Please don't think I'm a nutjob though -I'm truly having a hard time lately, so PICK ON ME AND YOU WILL VERY SURELY REGRET IT? Okies...? ^-^ Don't turn me into an evil little witch cause we both know angry me+you=big fight.

I sure hope me dreams would calm down a little though - I'm beginning to feel a little scared from them....Now I only have my best friend to rely on...TT^TT *glomps her over the distance*
Nighty night, and I'm so lazy these past two days I will try so hard to post a story on my other blog tomorrow!


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