Friday, August 6, 2010

Fragile Wishes

Day: August 6/10 Eating: apple-filled gingerbread pastries
Listening To: Hajimari No Hito by Suga Shikao
Mood: mellow, a little grey

So the Sanctuary will be under maintinance for the next few days so that means I get a break from the computer, right? Well, not really true. That means.....MORE TIME FOR MANGA READING! ^O^ Lol, I found some good series that I started to read, like Momo, Tegami Bachi, and Zombie-Loan (don't ask why, I have been in a little mood for mysteries/gory adventures lately). Arisa is another series and I can't wait for my favourite mangas like Barajou No Kiss and Stray Love Hearts to be updated with new chapters. Tooyama Ema's new manga KamiKami Kaeshi looks to be very interesting, judging from some of her amazing artwork I've seen (like I said amazing as usual) so I'll be staying tuned for that.

Have a very busy weekend ahead of me - tomorrow is my lil bro's b-day (he's turning 4! Haha, happy birthday! ^^) so I, like usually, will once again pull out my special watercolour paper, my lead pencil, eraser, paintbrushes, paints AND watercolour pencils and sits down to doodle a cute little card for him. I'm beginning to run out of ideas though for creative cards, but I hope my flow won't stop and I'll continue to make great cards that make everyone happy. I remembered of my concept of these animals I called 'Meefas' who are baby blue coloured, have bell-shaped heads with their fur poking in tufts at the bottom, big fluffy ears, smallish bodies but big puffy tails. I think I'll draw a card with one of those cause it's been forever since I've used them anywhere. Hope he likes it. ^^

Then this Sunday I'm going off to a wedding of one of my dad's friends, and he also happens to be my little brother's godfather (what a coinkidink!). It'll be like a normal wedding but I think with russian traditions, cause all of the people there speak russian (even though my family is ukrainian background) but I honestly don't know what to expect. To be honest, ever since I was little I've been paranoid about weddings, thinking how they are the end of the road, though I sometimes wonder if I'll ever have my own wedding when I grow up, or what it'll be like...

Ahem, so, anyways, I dunno why but I miss school. It's not really normal for someone like me who's tortured at school to wanna go back there. Yeah, I have one reason but I don't think it's a very valid one (I keep it to myself, unless you know it already *hint at my best friend who's following this blog*). I also wanna see everyone again and yeah, so that's a few more reasons right there. I hope that this year will be better than last because I've had to put up with so much stupidity I can't even start to describe it. There's also one girl I soooo don't wanna have in my class. I hate her for everything she did to me, and she hates me too. Wish she could get it deep down into her skull.

Oh, and that reminds me, before I go, I had talked to my best friend about my childhood friend John Sudol and how I've been trying to find him for all these years. We were tight friends, to be honest, and have been seperated many years ago. I've been trying to find him but without luck. I talked to my friend yesterday and she suggested we try looking on FB. We found one who could fit him, but after he accepted my friend's friend request and she looked over his profile he turned out to be older than my age, but the John I was friends with was and is my age. Ah, better luck next time. I'm still sure I'll see him one day though, judging from all those dreams I've been having.

And now I'm off to enjoy the nice breeze by the lake!


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