Sunday, August 22, 2010

Crystal Voices

Day: August 22/10
Eating: nothing - my throat just won't allow it
Listening To: Sanctuary by Utada
Mood: SICK! And from now on, that counts as a mood!

How I hate being sick....I always feel really really REALLY messed up. My nose is stuffy, my throat feels abnormal when I swallow, ah I just wish everything was back to normal...

Not really much to do when you're sick. I mean, I've been practically napping all day and just reading some books. Today the weather's been gloomy too - misty and humid the whole dang day. When will this weather end? I mean of course this is better than a hot summer but still, it's getting a little out of hand.

Hum, what else...? Well i've been looking around the Sanctuary again. Things there are good like normal, so I can't complain. Haven't seen my twin in a while on there, or even talked to her.

Well I think that about covers it. A surprisingly short entry for once. And on a side note, it's already the end of August, and school starts up again soon (which is both good and bad). Hoping for a good school year where I can finally feel normal again.


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