Sunday, August 15, 2010

Shikyu Corner

Day: August 15/10
Eating: nothing, cause I'm so full from all the chocolates....
Listening To: Hello Seatle by Owl City
Mood: calm, but a little anxious

Whistea: Woho, we finally get to kick off a blog post! Yaay! ^o^
Rowanne: Yeah, and you're happy and peppy as always....
Whistea: Oh come on twinnie, this is the first time we get to have such an opportunity. Lighten up!
Rowanne: Meh...
Kaleb: Don't bother Whistea, she's as sour as ever...^^"
Rowanne: Who are you calling sour, raccoon boy? D<
Kaleb: .....*makes a small fireball appear and brun Rowanne*
Rowanne: OW! *rubs her cheek*
Dali: *pops in through a warphole* You're as sour as ever Ro, and I agree with your sis.
Rowanne: Fine, bully me, gang up on me for all I care
Calliope: *pokes her from behind*
Rowanne: *screams out* Ack, Calliope, STOP DOING THAT!
Calliope: .........Hehehe............^^
Rowanne: You're such a baka neko...
Calliope: *prepares some spikes*
Rowanne: Okay, I take that back....*steps away slowly*
Whistea: *makes some tea* You guys always fight - can't we have at least one normal conversation without one of you fighting over something?
Calliope: *swishes tail and sits down*.......I'm not the baby here......
Dali: *plays around with the pocket watch* It's getting quite late you know...
Rowanne: *lightbulb appears on top of her head* Dali, change the time back!
Dali: ........Why.......? *looks at her suspiciously*
Rowanne: To make none of this happen, duh!
Dali: ......But I don't wanna.....
Rowanne: *reaches for his pocket watch* Gimme gimme! I'll turn it back myself!
Whistea: Sis, you'll only get burned, you know...Dali is the only one who can do it - he does have the same power as Riri-san after all.
Rowanne: Oh, you're such a know-it-all
Whistea: Well I DO complete you. And if you continue acting like that I will never never agree to come together with you to form the power of Heart.
Kaleb: *takes a slice of cake* Well then like they say clean up your act Ro.
Calliope: .....She never will......*flicks her tail and looks at rowanne with irritation*
Rowanne: Bah, I wish Riri-san would leave you at the Shikyu Return Center.....Maybe someone else would be happy to have you....
Calliope: *eyes flash and vines wrap around Rowanne's neck*
Rowanne: *shoking*
Whistea: Sis! *runs to help her*
Dali: *continues playing with the watch* I had no part in this, so if Riri-san asks leave me out ^^"
Calliope: .....The vines will release her soon......She won't choke....*sips her tea*
Kaleb: *takes a scone* As long as she's unharmed I don't see the problem ^^
Me: *watches it all from the side* O.e" *twitches her eye* They never stop, do they...?
