Monday, July 26, 2010

Naughty Little Angel

Day: July 26/10 Eating: nothing but I'm getting hungry...XP
Listening To: Dirty Little Secret by The All-American Rejects
Mood: sweet yet devilish

Another slow summer day...Ah I'm getting so fed up in these four walls....Not like I have somewhere better to go though, so I guess I'll put up with this for a while longer.

Went to the library today (woohoo!!! d^-^b) and got myself some more books to read so I can kill some more time. Right now, after about 80 pages into Devoured by Amanda Marrone I'm getting interesting in what kinda turn the story will take (hope not a suckish one or else I'll show no mercy and toss the book across the room).

What else happened...? Well, watched some more TV, played with my little brother a little, you know, usual routines. Couldn't be on at the time peak in the Sanctuary cause I was at the library at the time but oh well - can't get everything you want right?

Which also reminds me - read Full Dark's blog today. Happy that Full Dark and I became friends but still worried for her. Why does everyone piss her off so much? Wish I could help her stick em into place. Beh, I'll have to deal with the same things at school in September - too many bakas in my grade....XP

Events have been unraveling rather quickly, I mean the way Full dark is planning to step down from her rank, how Kirin-chan and I have been feeling lonely now a's all too fast. I'm being sucked into the cyber world, fast, and if I don't pull out soon, I think I'll lose myself in it. It's not normal anymore how I'm replacing it with reality.

Meh why is life so complicated? What I'd give to try living in the cyber world for my whole life, to be carefree and not worry about what people think or say, about this stupid thing called money? Why are things so unfair?

.....................After all these questions, I have a sudden urge to let my frustration out.............Now if you'll excuse me................*jumps on her bed and starts punching her pillows* Stupid stupid world! XP

............Please don't mind Riri-san, she's just having another one of her little......'reality swings'..............

Rowanne: She should really rethink visiting a doctor, hehehe ^^

*smacks Rowanne on the head with her scepter* Watch what you say - our mistress is just having a tough time, that's all. And you should learn to be more human and sensitive

Ah, my Shikyus.....I can always count on them. ^^



  1. Oh my dear munchiesness, lately I just feeling moody =3= Just sometime, when a thing that I don't think is good and think that thing is annoyed, I might get pissed off easily ._.

    and.. Kirin? (can u please reply on my chat box please ~)

  2. Happens to me too, but I try not to show it.

    Kirin-chan has just been feeling moody too, that's all.

    I posted in your chat box, by the way ^^

  3. thanks :)) Oh? She's moody? :/ What happen to her?

  4. Nothing much, just feling lonely, but I've managed to cheer her up a little. ^^
