Thursday, July 15, 2010

KH Craziness and DS Confusion

Day: Thursday, July 15/10
Eating: nothing at the moment
Listening To: Sanctuary by Utada
Mood: crazed yet relaxed

Okay, so this time around I'll be focusing on two topics - my sudden and strong KH (Kingdom Hearts for those who don't know) addiction and about the confusion I have regarding the dear Doll Sanctuary. Before I start, please let me get this out of my system.......GYA!!!! *runs around the room like crazy* Sorry, I've been feeling unlike myself these past few days and just want this whole feeling gone before I scare someone off. *Takes a deep breath* Okies, now I'm ready to continue on with the rest of the post.
My KH Craziness:
Okay, now I really don't know why my KH craziness started up (again) but I think I'll blame the fact that I've picked up the only KH game I own (358/2 Days) and started watching all the movies in Theatre Mode and listening to the songs on rewind on YouTube. Ugh, I curse the fact I don't own a PS2 - I soooo wanna play the first two games.....*sulks in the corner*
When I say craziness I mean craziness - the music playing on replay in my mind, the characters jumping around in my mind, making up their own stories, I think I'm official going to go nuts....=.= Then I'm fueled up by the fact that there's gonna be a game on PSP this autumn so I'm all hyped up for that and when I read there's a game on the future NintendoDS 3D and ONLY on it and not the regular DS just makes me burst. It's called KH 3D and it features Sora and Riku and Kairi, the characetrs I haven't experienced play with since I didn't play the first two games. I'm thinking of testing it out on my regular DS to see if it will work when it comes out. Of course if it doesn't, well, I hope I could get my money back....
Mostly I've thought bout Kairi and how much I wanna cosplay her. I think I have what it takes but not sure I'll make a good Kairi version...probably cause of my features...(don't wanna start talking about my face right now)
Uh, I curse my random addictions when I have them, but the KH addiction is long and periodic, so we'll see how long it lasts. I hope not for long cause my mom will start asking questions about why I'm like this.
Sanctuary Confusion:
So for this one I don't blame anyone, just my brain that can be so messed up at times. The main reason for my confusion though is Full Dark and Loki-kun's fight. I'm not pointing to sides but just hope this whole thing gets sorted through. I mean I understand Full Dark and her position, I wouldn't question her, and Loki is very determined about this and has a right for his thoughts but it's just not right. Especially after reading Full Dark's blog post from today how she's saying she is now the former Full Dark Jester makes me feel so....distraight...for the lack of a simpler word. I wish she'd stay, I honestly wish she would. But everyone's entitled to their opinion so I gotta accept that and not be like some little child that grabs on to her friends and doesn't let them go.
Don't know who started this fight, don't know who'll end it, don't even know what it's about. Everyone's telling Loki to not quit and for Full Dark to not stress out and ignore this (at least from what I've read) If Full Dark quits, the Himuro family loses one of it's important and gotta say one of the greatest dolls I know. Call me weird, softie or whatever, but this is what I think. She has all the right in the world.
And on a side note Mi-chama is on vacation...for half a month...gonna miss her. Kyrie-san is now in charge of the family for the time along with G-sama and Angel-sama. Hope I don't cause them trouble...^^"
I think I'll go feed my addiction some more right now. There's nothing more for me to say anyways. *hops around the room and acts like an idiot* Oh, don't mind me, I'm done with my post. Go on, go do something else, there's nothing more for you to read. *grabs a popsicle* You're still reading aren't you...? Ah, nothing more to do, or just curious if I'll pull off a trick...? *walks off* I told you I was done with my post. XP

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