Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Aphrodite's Garden (Random Short Story)

Day: July 8/10 Eating: slice of cherry cheesecake
Listening To: nothing at the moment
Mood: lightheaded, dreamy, inspired
Since I am feeling a bit off right now and I haven't posted in a while, I decided to post an entry but because I have nothing to talk about I want to write this short story here, as I am in a very creative and lightheaded mood. Hope you don't mind and enjoy this story of mine.
Oh, and by the way, the Greek gods in this story at at a teenage age, so picture them young and beautiful/hot, if you can, for example Aphrodite to the right - she is at a teenage ae. This is because when I think of Greek gods I imagine them always young between the ages of 15 and 19.
Of all the places said to exist in the world of the gods, Aphrodite's garden was said to be the most beautiful. There were huge trees unlike any of those that existed down on earth, big ponds with pink lotus blooming in its waters, and all kinds of birds and animals lived there. it was a garden only Aphrodite could come to, and not even Demeter or Persephony could understand how she had managed to keep such a beautiful garden all to herself. Aphrodite was not the goddess of flowers and gardens after all, so they were very curious about how she had managed to create such a garden.

But that did not trouble Aphrodite. This was her hideaway, the one place where none of the other gods or goddesses could enter, her peaceful little garden sanctuary. But even though no one knew where it was or had ever seen it didn't mean that word didn't go out about it. It was rumoured amongst the mortals that this was a garden specially grow for lovers, that Aphrodite's power of love blossomed in every flower and that even if couples were argueing once they smelled the flowers from her garden all of their troubles and fights would be forgotten as if they never were. That's why many mortals had gone out to look for the garden, but no one had ever found it.

It was one day that Aries had stormed into Mount Olympus, all angry over losing another war. It pained Venus to see her beloved Aries so angered, so she asked for him to come to her garden, where she hoped he'd feel better. Aries of course was very lightheaded and didn't understand right away what Aphrodite had wanted from this, but still agreed to go with her.

The garden was silent just like always, with no one around to disrupt them.There was never anyone there though, as none of the gods could find it. Aphrodite led Aries to a bench, where he sat quietly until in a few moments he began storming about something.

"Why, I could have won that war with my eyes closed!" Aries yelled. "Everyone knows that war is my game, not some king's who wishes to beat me at it. It isn't even possible!" Aphrodite smiled. Aries never changed, and that was why she loved him so much.

"Aries, do you know what kind of garden this is...?" she suddenly asked, catching Aries by suprise. All of a sudden he quieted down and thought. He hadn't even noticed how Aphrodite had led him here. What was this place? Was it Demeter's garden? It wasn't possible for anyone other than Persephony and Demeter to have such a garden

"It is my garden," Aphrodite whispered at last, her voice not that much above a whisper. "it is the only one of its kind to ever exist. Do you see all this coral and lotus flowers blooming? Demeter could never plant these herself, and Persephony, though so young, talented and ambituous she only dreams of this kind of success," Aphrodite went on, turning Aries' head towards her and looking deep into his chestnut eyes. "This garden has a calming affect on anyone who comes into it. Please, stay here alwas Aries - that way, you will never have to worry about losing another war..."

Aries thought a bit, but saying nothing smiled. It seemed like all the aquatic plants really did have an effect on him, a calming effect no one other than Aphrodite could have on him. There truly was no other place than Aphrodite's garden.

There go around rumours
of a garden out thre
where your anger melts
and you feel without care.
Many dream to come here
and see with their eyes
the pond with lotus
in the lost paradise.
In songs and in poems
it is told of this place
and its enchanting owner
hidden without trace.
Yeah, another really really REALLY random story. I had this inspiration to write this all of a sudden. You might ask - what's the point of this story? Well, not much really, just that Aphrodite has a garden that is said to calm down anyone, espcially fighting lovers, like in this case Aries (though he wasn't fighting with Aphrodite). There will be more stories to follow but I kinda wanted to write this one first. I've been rather tied to greek mythology since I was a kid and I still have a strong fascination about it.
Oh, what am I babbling about!? Well, off to write another story for the Sanctuary!

1 comment:

  1. whao o.o you write alot and i dont understand any single word D: nyah! Sorry! Dx
