Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Summer Paradise

Day: June 30/10 Eating: puff pastries and drinking fizzy lemonade
Listening To: Waka Waka (This Is Africa) by Shakira
Mood: Relaxed, bubbly
Summer has started, and I'm officially on summer break. Last day of school was...good...but honestly I'm not sure if I had expected something better. I dunno, I'm sooo confuzzled right now!

What to do...? Lots. Do I wanna do it...? Not really! Most important thing for me to do though is to continue writing the current book I'm writing called 'Half Queen'

Well, I didn't get a chance to say bye to some of my friends yesterday (bummer...) but on the bright side now I get to spend more time talking to other dolls in DS. (Don't ask me why I'm so wound up about the Sanctuary, but it's my second home where I finally can be myself without hiding. Also, so many of my friends are there including my twinnie!) Maybe during summer i'll even get the chance to come over to some of my friend's houses (that includes you Sof!) and drwa some more. Well, there's so much to do that maybe I should make a little list right now, just to get a rough idea of what has/should be done this summer:

List of Things to Do this Summer:

~ continue writing the book Half Queen
~practice some more with drawing anime and watercolouring
~spend more time talking to the dolls in the sanctuary
~talk to my friends some more and maybe come over to their houses
~watch some more animes (Hetalia Axis powers, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles, etc.)

Yeah, you might have been thinking that my To Do list would be so long it fits a page. Aha, NOT. I don't do much in the summer to be honest. I'm very lazy, I don't attend any social events like parties or stuff like that and I DO NOT hang out with the popular people, so basicly I have all summer to myself and to do things I really wanna/need to do.

Well my last day of school was good. Got asked to dance (finally!) but not by the person I hoped ( was my fault though - I could have asked him when it was the girl's choice but I didn't cause I was sure he'd reject me) but the 1st guy I danced with was a good friend even though I don't spend much time with him. The 2nd, well, everyone hates him and I was forced to dance with him, and he shook the whole time during the song....Well, what more can I say...?

My crush's and mine goodbye was so funny though. I gave him an air hug then we showed the...ahem....fingers to each other. What a nice way to say 'Goodbye and happy summer'!

Well, there's not much more for me to say. And now sorry but I gotta go off and play with my Shikyus for a bit.

Rowanne: You said you'd play with us earlier! *pouts*
Me: I know Ro, but I can't, I still have a little brother to take care of you know. *gives her a I-told-you-so face*
Rowanne: Well that's not fair!! *pouts more*
Me: I wish you could be more like Whistea sometimes...
Whistea: *smiles*
Rowanne: *blows raspberry*
Calliope: *smiles lightly*

So...yeah, I have stuff to do this summer, so I can't stay on this computer forever! Gotta run and start typing up that book of mine!

Rowanne: But what about playing with us?!
Me: Guess that'll just have to wait! *laughs and runs away*

Away on an island
abandonned by all
lives a rare bird
with the most magical call.
Its feathers are crimson
and its tail is long,
but nothing's more beautiful
than her mysterious song

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