Saturday, June 26, 2010

My Dear Shikyus! ^o^

Day: June 26/10 Eating: Belgium milk chocolates
Listening to: Replay by Sean Kingston Mood: excited

I had applied for 3 Shikyus yesterday, and today I had recieved a message from Kyrie-san with their cards. I'm sooo glad to have them now! They are now in a way part of my family, because not only the doll family I'm in but also the Shikyus I own are also family.

Oh, do you know what a 'Shikyu' is? Well, I hope you do, but of course not everyone knows so let me explain.

In the Sanctuary, a Shikyu is a creature that you can adopt which will then become your partner. A Shikyu can be any element and any type of possible creature whether it swims, flies, crawls, slithers or walks. They protect their master, the doll, from anyone who wishes to harm them. In order to be strong like that a Shikyu must be trained, whether in magic, evasion, melee combat or another area. Once trained, a Shikyu can be strong and unbeatable. A doll is allowed to own a maximum of 5 Shikyus, but I currently own 3. I don't think I'll be getting 2 more just to fill the space because my current ones still do need attention. I don't think I'll even need 2 more Shikyus, as I love my current ones so much and want them to do their best in training.

You also might be wondering who my Shikyus are. Well, each Shikyu has a card such as one above and to the right, and one a bit more down that show their pictures and quickly say what element they are and what kind of creature they are, along with their name and their owner's name.

My Shikyus are very mysterious creatures that have fragments of me that were embedded into their creation. They may posess a quality of mine, a trait or something I wish I had like a physical feature. They are the most wonderful Shikyus there are around, and I'm sure they'll get along with all the others.

Now, instead of babbling on and on and on about how wonderful and interesting my Shikyus are, why don't you meet them youself? Yes, it's very easy! Shikyus! Come and greet our visitors, and maybe even talk a bit about yourself while you're here. How about it?


Calliope: *looks around quietly* Do I have to, Margaryta...?
Me: Yes Calli, I think you should. Everyone's probably curious about you by now. And I told you, stop calling me by my full name! For you I'm Riri, just like for all my fellow Himuro family and all the other dolls I'm Himuro Riri.
Rowanne: Whoever gave you that nickname must have a low IQ...
Me: For your information you can almost say i gave myself that nickname! And just because you're responsible for negative emotions doesn't mean you can't be nice once in a while! Sheesh, you should learn more from Whistea...
Rowanne: That little cream puff!? She's such a little kissup and won't even do anything that could hurt a little fly!
Whistea: You know I heard that Rowanne? *fumbles around with her scepter* And I like my kind attitude - no wonder I rule over positive emotions.
Rowanne: *getting angry*
Calliope: .....*still just standing and watching* Even though you two are sisters, twin sisters, you still argue like two little children.....
Rowanne: What about you!? You're just some lazy flower cat that Margaryta didn't put too much thought into before creating you! Well let's see, you did get her quiet and cold side, but that's about it!
Me: Ro, be quiet for once! *sighs* I put equal thought into each of you when adopting you. Yes Calli did get my quiet and cold side, while you Ro got my fiery temper and mean side while Whist got my gentle and thoughful side, so I wouldn't go about insulting your sisters.
Rowanne: *folds hands across chest and turns away*
Me: And of course you got my pride and boastfulness too...*sighes again* You guys are such a handful you know - just when I thought I'd have a more or less relaxing summer I adopt you three and all of a sudden i feel like I'm raising pets!
Whistea: Well last time I checked pets can't pour tea, can they? *finds a teapot and teacups and begins pouring out tea* That's more helpful than a pet would be.
Me: True dat, true dat.
Calliope: *begins to stretch out* Well, I think if you three are done with the chitchat I'll be going to climb around the garden, stretch out my legs for a bit.
Me: Sure sure Calli, take your time - we're in no super rush. Oh! And while you're out please pick a handful of irises - they're in bloom right now and you know how much I can't resist irises!
Calliope: *nods and walking up to the window jumps out*
Me: *lets out another sigh* Even though you guys can be...trouble...sometimes, you know I still care about you, right?
Rowanne: Yeah yeah, cut the sugary act. I'm an example of how you can be when you're mad. Remember what you did to your crush this passed Thursday...?
Rowanne: Nu uh *shakes head* I know everything - I was created from a fragment of you, wasn't I? And my mad nature is an exact copy of yours so it's like we share genes.
Me: *beginning to bubble over with anger* I see you got some of my boastful knowledge too....
Rowanne: *snickers*
Me: WHY YOU....!!! *begins chasing Rowanne around the table shaking fist*
Rowanne: *runnign away and laughing, making her master more angry*
Whistea: *sits quietly and sips tea*

My Shikyus:

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