Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Doll Side of Me

Day: June 22/10 Eating: sugar coated strwaberries
Listening To: God is a Girl by Groove Coverage
Mood: content
Today officially marks my day that I became a 'doll'. Yes, Mi-chama has finally accepted me into the Himuro family as a doll. Of course I am still a Newborn but I'll try my best to get along with everyone in our family.
To the right is Petsha, a doll I am using to represent me. She's so pretty, isn't she? Both of us have quite and cold personalities but we warm up whenever our friends or loved ones are around, so we are very similiar. There's another doll I'm using too, but Petsha for me is like the one who is so closely tied to me, like a mirrored image of me.
I can't wait to tell Momo-chan the news - she'll be so happy. Although we applied almost at the same time and became close friends Momo-chan got accepted before me, but was so supportive of me along the way that she'll be jumping for joy when she hears the news! ^^ As for me, I'm also excited. I've hoped to become a doll for quite some time so today, June 22 marks the birth of the doll me.
Now I am getting to talk to other Himuros and feel like part of the family. Things will be fine now: Mi-chama is the bestest Doll Master, so kind and caring and always fun to talk to, while there are many people in the family I have already been friends with that it makes me happy to always be able to talk to them.
Well I can go on and on babbling about this but I don't have the strength to write pages and pages about this. All I can say is - I'm happy and proud to be part of the Sanctuary and to know all the dolls I know.
Ooh, gotta go and tell Momo-chan and Ru-chan about this! Or maybe they already know...?
Well, still gotta run, but I'll be continueing to blog very soon. My doll life has just begun! ^o^

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