Saturday, September 11, 2010

House of Cards

Day: September 11/10
Eating: cocoa wafer rolls
Listening To: Remedy by Little Boots
Mood: forgotten, curious

Ah, I think I'm beginning to slowly feel better. Not fully of course but just a little bit. How I hate drawing title pages lately though, and just my luck - I have 3 of them to do: one for Geography, another for Science and another for History. I wish I had a sudden slam of an idea hit me so that I could get the whole assignment over with.

On a brighter note.....KH BIRTH BY SLEEP IS OUT FOR ALMOST A WEEK 8D Lol, call me a fan but I'm growing addicted to the series. I really wanna get it - so far it's #1 on my Video Games list which I wanna get. I heard already that it's like no other game from the series and that makes me feel all hyper excited already. Of course, it does cost quite a bit so I gotta save up money...=_=

And I've officially applied to try becoming a Gem in the Sanctuary. Sure gonna be something cause I need an approval from all the current Gems and four of the Doll Council members, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it - as long as I try my best I shouldn't be disappointed because I know I gave it everything I've got.

What else should I mention...? Um, I dunno. I'm looking forward to this grade 8 year though, because of the Me To We, grad board, grad year book, and the Idol Talent Show we're holding. Gotta muster up my courage this year and audition - I think I've found the perfect song to sing. I plan to sing Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri so that means I've gotta perfect it soon since the talent show will most likely be between Christmas and February, and in my opinion winter is the perfect place to hold a talent show. Right now though I wanna enjoy myself a little bit, go listen to some more music and maybe write a little bit of my book.


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