Monday, August 30, 2010

Forgotten Wonderland

Day: August 30/10 Eating: milk chocolate
Listening To: Dance Inside by The All-American Rejects
Mood: creative, hopeless, forgotten

I wish I could be Alice right now and take a leap through that rabbit hole and into Wonderland, but unlike her, I bet you I'd never come out of there, not even for all the money in the world.

It's my last. week. of. summer. That already spells out 'drama' in more than a dozen ways. Not that I miss summer too much - it would be nice to get back to school and stuff some more knowledge into my head.

I've actually been pretty bored latly. If I could, I'd crawl into one of my favourite animes and just live in there for the rest of my life but sadly, I can't do that. It's painful living every day in such a reality where you hate everything you're doing. But that's life, and you gotta pick up the slack to it.

So what else...? I don't know. I just feel like I'm suffocating again. It's not like I wanna leave this world but living in it doesn't bring too uch happiness. Believe me, I'm super far from being an emo child but how can I say this, I look at life for what it is, not the sugar coated trash people try to shove under my nose. That's what makes me sick of life. All I can rely on is a better future where fences won't stop me from reaching my heights.

Now all that's left is to enjoy this last week of summer, cause next Tuesday it's school again and I'll be seeing everyone around. At least this summer I was able to find a solitude, a little paradise where I could be safely hidden awaywithout worrying about people coming after me and ruining that dream.

I really got out of blogging lately but I think once school starts this blog will liven up a little with all my talking about school and how constantly I'm being harassed. Haha, it's gonna be a normal life again.....yuppie.....baka baka classmates....


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Crystal Voices

Day: August 22/10
Eating: nothing - my throat just won't allow it
Listening To: Sanctuary by Utada
Mood: SICK! And from now on, that counts as a mood!

How I hate being sick....I always feel really really REALLY messed up. My nose is stuffy, my throat feels abnormal when I swallow, ah I just wish everything was back to normal...

Not really much to do when you're sick. I mean, I've been practically napping all day and just reading some books. Today the weather's been gloomy too - misty and humid the whole dang day. When will this weather end? I mean of course this is better than a hot summer but still, it's getting a little out of hand.

Hum, what else...? Well i've been looking around the Sanctuary again. Things there are good like normal, so I can't complain. Haven't seen my twin in a while on there, or even talked to her.

Well I think that about covers it. A surprisingly short entry for once. And on a side note, it's already the end of August, and school starts up again soon (which is both good and bad). Hoping for a good school year where I can finally feel normal again.


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Crystal Wings

Day: August 19, 2010
Eating: nothing, but frankly, I'm not craving anything either
Listening To: Lost Butterfly by Rurutia
Mood: sooo.....happy.....TT^TT

I HAVE RETURNED MY NORMAL POST EDITOR BACK! *Hallelujah song plays in the background* My stupid blog marked it under 'Old Post Editor' so I changed the settings to the old post editor and now I can finally edit my posts normally again....*tearing up* Ah, that makes me so happy...Let's just hope nothing more crashes on me or that I won't lose the current post editor *hugs it* Mine, you hear me Blogger team peoples, MINE! Take it away and my whole blogging experience will crash!

Ah, no more screwed up spacing, or, or...Ah, it's so good to have you back...

Ahem, so now that my happy phras is over and done with I can get onto some bigger news....I GOT A CELLPHONE!!! *does a happy dance* Hehe, now I can be more independant and whenever mom and I have to go shopping I'll have it to call dad instead of worrying and wondering when he'll pick us up. I like it. Even though it's not one of those new ones with the slide out keyboard made especially for texting I still like it. It's easy to carry and handle.

Hum, what else has happened to me so far...? Well I've been watching more animes and picked up some new mangas. Too many books on hold at the library for me, 95% of which are mangas. LOL, what can I say, I'm a heavy reader.

Haven't made much progress on my book though. That's upsetting me cause I've been wanting to work super hard on it all summer. I had a few more mental images from the book in my head though, but I still can't get to putting it down on paper. What can I say, I'm hell lazy at times.

Everything else has been rather quiet around the Sanctuary. It's almost 2 months since I've been there. Ah, time sure flies. I've been talking a lot to everyone around there, and things have been rather fun. Hope I still can spend time over there when I start school - it'll one heck of a chaos next year after all.

Speaking of school, around three weeks are left. When it'll officially be a week the countdown to school begins. A part of me wants to get back but a part of me is still holding back and doesn't wanna give in. It's like two different people are having a war inside my body to take over...

Oh well, let's hope everything turns up well. And now I think I'll be going to get a breath full of free air out by the lake - it's sure been a while since I've gone out.


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Shikyu Corner

Day: August 15/10
Eating: nothing, cause I'm so full from all the chocolates....
Listening To: Hello Seatle by Owl City
Mood: calm, but a little anxious

Whistea: Woho, we finally get to kick off a blog post! Yaay! ^o^
Rowanne: Yeah, and you're happy and peppy as always....
Whistea: Oh come on twinnie, this is the first time we get to have such an opportunity. Lighten up!
Rowanne: Meh...
Kaleb: Don't bother Whistea, she's as sour as ever...^^"
Rowanne: Who are you calling sour, raccoon boy? D<
Kaleb: .....*makes a small fireball appear and brun Rowanne*
Rowanne: OW! *rubs her cheek*
Dali: *pops in through a warphole* You're as sour as ever Ro, and I agree with your sis.
Rowanne: Fine, bully me, gang up on me for all I care
Calliope: *pokes her from behind*
Rowanne: *screams out* Ack, Calliope, STOP DOING THAT!
Calliope: .........Hehehe............^^
Rowanne: You're such a baka neko...
Calliope: *prepares some spikes*
Rowanne: Okay, I take that back....*steps away slowly*
Whistea: *makes some tea* You guys always fight - can't we have at least one normal conversation without one of you fighting over something?
Calliope: *swishes tail and sits down*.......I'm not the baby here......
Dali: *plays around with the pocket watch* It's getting quite late you know...
Rowanne: *lightbulb appears on top of her head* Dali, change the time back!
Dali: ........Why.......? *looks at her suspiciously*
Rowanne: To make none of this happen, duh!
Dali: ......But I don't wanna.....
Rowanne: *reaches for his pocket watch* Gimme gimme! I'll turn it back myself!
Whistea: Sis, you'll only get burned, you know...Dali is the only one who can do it - he does have the same power as Riri-san after all.
Rowanne: Oh, you're such a know-it-all
Whistea: Well I DO complete you. And if you continue acting like that I will never never agree to come together with you to form the power of Heart.
Kaleb: *takes a slice of cake* Well then like they say clean up your act Ro.
Calliope: .....She never will......*flicks her tail and looks at rowanne with irritation*
Rowanne: Bah, I wish Riri-san would leave you at the Shikyu Return Center.....Maybe someone else would be happy to have you....
Calliope: *eyes flash and vines wrap around Rowanne's neck*
Rowanne: *shoking*
Whistea: Sis! *runs to help her*
Dali: *continues playing with the watch* I had no part in this, so if Riri-san asks leave me out ^^"
Calliope: .....The vines will release her soon......She won't choke....*sips her tea*
Kaleb: *takes a scone* As long as she's unharmed I don't see the problem ^^
Me: *watches it all from the side* O.e" *twitches her eye* They never stop, do they...?


Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Clover Each Day...

Day: August 12/10  Eating: bowl of cinammon-apple oatmeal
Listening To: Fireflies by Owl City
Mood: a little screwed up..

Okay, so it's probably not a secret that I've been feeling emotionally stressed these past few days. Or maybe some people don't know that...Anyways, to keep things short and sweet, yes, I've been under some difficult times. Not to mention my 'New Post' editor has been acting up on me which is irritating me cause it makes huge gaps between the writing if I wanna create just a small paragraph. If anyone knows how to fix this, this glitch please lemme know - I can't put pictures to the side now like I did normally without running into issues with the spacing. Ugh, why is everything so, so....just forget it.

Ahem, so, I've been asked by a number of people (you probably guess by now who they are): "What have you been doing?" Well, hum, lemme think.......NOTHING. Well, I'll be honest with myself I did some painting, a little reading, mostly listened to music....I've been mostly in the DS lately.

Oh, and, found out my crush has a girlfriend who's 4 years older than him. Yaay, I think I like a total idiot XP. No seriously, everything's taken such a weird turn it's not even funny. I wish I could just be chained into my book and live in there - everything is so much happier there.

Oh and I actually came up with a possible ending for my book - not that bad I gotta admit but not sure if it would be satisfying. I feel like a moron lately! Peoples help me! this isn't normal! ><

Ah, on the other hand, my last Shikyu, Dali the Clockwork Rabbit, should be coming soon, so then you'll get to chat with all five of my Shikyus. Rowanne's been a little happier though I gotta admit, and Whistea is feeling better after her recent little 'depression'. Calliope and Kaleb are okay and happy like normal, though Calli has been fighting hard in the Colliseum. Whistea gave up and Rowanne is only beginning while Calliope is ending her battle very soon. Ah Rowanne, hurry up and fight before the first round ends this week!

Ah, so this is just a short random entry, to file out all my thoughts. Please don't think I'm a nutjob though -I'm truly having a hard time lately, so PICK ON ME AND YOU WILL VERY SURELY REGRET IT? Okies...? ^-^ Don't turn me into an evil little witch cause we both know angry me+you=big fight.

I sure hope me dreams would calm down a little though - I'm beginning to feel a little scared from them....Now I only have my best friend to rely on...TT^TT *glomps her over the distance*
Nighty night, and I'm so lazy these past two days I will try so hard to post a story on my other blog tomorrow!


Monday, August 9, 2010

Iris Garden Blog

Day: August 9/10
Eating: nothing but craving something sweet
Listening To: Pictures of You by The Last Goodnight
Mood: Tiered, drowsy, dreamy

Okay, a new day, and, as I had promised, this post will be dedicated to talking about my new blog. But before I start...*yawns* There, I got that out. I woke up at 7am today even though I was still dead tiered from yesterday. Why do I do such things sometimes, I dunno. So now I feel drowsy (thank god my reality swing is now gone - I can focus again without hating everything around me and feeling like I will choke in the next instant) but still, that will not stop me from blogging on here, and editing my new blog which, might I add, is under construction at the moment but should begin to function very soon.

So, as you probably guessed from the title, the blog is called Iris Garden, because I love irises the most of all flowers and because it's one of the few things that can relax me and even make me fall calmly asleep. I found a perfect blog layout which I think fits really well, so I'll be using it for the blog. There you can find links, a profile, and other stuff I don't have here so do take a look if you are interested.

I'll be starting out with simply posting short stories. If things go well and everyone enjoys reading my blog then I will maybe think about trying to post chapters from one of my books (I have started about 5 but am currently only progressing on one...XP). I would do it though for my friend Lissa-chan, because I'm sure she's look forward to it. My archives will have every single post in there, so please be sure to check it out also.

So yeah, I think that pretty much covers the whole thing...*sighs lightly* Ah, so starting tomorrow I will try posting short stories. Trust me, I have a lot, so please do be patient with me on that. I will label parts and all the accoarding things so that it will be clear what part number you are reading, if it's the end of the series, and all that stuff. I want to make it as organized as possible. Also, in the Shoutbox please do leave your opinions on the stories and any insighful comments - I love browsing through them; makes me feel like people care about my work TT^TT

And now I officially have two blogs to managa XD I'm sure I'll be up for the challenge though, and I can always take a break from one of them at any time.

So now I'll start searching through my folders and binders to find stories to post. Do check by for updates!


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Exausted Happiness

Day: August 8/10   Eating: chocolate fudge ice cream
Listening To: Nothing - too tiered for anything...
Mood: Tiered, happy

Oh gosh, today was so tiering! I swear for a first wedding in my life I'm happy, for the lack of a better word. Everything was so much fun and so exciting (although it good very hot in the beginning when we were taking photos outside) but oh well, you can't have absolutely everything going exactly your way. Then when it got to celebrating it was so much fun I literally was falling over my own feet by the end!

My brother was surprisingly good today (gosh he's such a cutie in public but, at home...) so that's good. As I said before the groom is my dad's close friend and my lil bro's godfaher, so we're all really tight, plus the bride too. Though there were some people gossiping behind my back, I could feel it. Gosh why is it that wherever I go I always cause such a racket....? Meh, never mind - you can't have absolutely everything going your way, right?

So, I'm planning on going off to bed earlier today - too tiered to do much, so this blog post will be relatively short compared to all the other blog posts that I have done.

Oh, forgot to mention, I am now planning on creating a seperate blog that will house all of my short stories and I am even planning on maybe posting parts of my books there in the future. All details on this will be in the next blog post (which will most likely be tomorrow). I have a few things planned out, such as that I have found a template that I like and I think I found the perfect name for the blog too, but I won't leak out any more details - everything will be in the next blog post so there, now you have something to look forward to.

And now I am off to chill a bit and then gonna take a nice cold bath and go off to bed. Hope the Sanctuary maintanance will be finished tomorrow so I can spend some more time on there.


Saturday, August 7, 2010

New Shikyu

Day: August 7/10
Eating: drinking a glass of fizzy lemonade
Listening To: nothing at the moment
Mood: bored and a little dull

Now before I go and begin to talk about my Shikyus I wanna wish my lil bro a happy b-day. His present was a large table with a train set that linked together. He loves it so much. We're gonna go have the cake soon - triple chocolate with extra frosting and biscuit layers. Yum! ^^

Now I had wanted to write this entry before about my new Shikyu but I never got the chance (I was really lazy, and as much as I wanted to blog more often I was still feeling very lazy). Now though that I have the time, lemme introduce to you my new Shikyu and I finally have the time to have a normal conversation with my other three....=.=


Kaleb: Hello *waves slightly. Nice to meet you all. It's so nice to finally be adopted into such a caring home TT^TT
Rowanne: Yuppie, another softie in the group...
Calliope: *sips her tea*....I for one am happy to finally have a boy Shikyu amongst us....Maybe now we'll have peace and order around....*sighs*
Rowanne: *turns to Calliope* Hey! You're not a holy dandelion yourself!
Whistea: *wakes up from all the comotion caused by Calliope and Rowanne* Twinnie, can't you at least lemme have some sleep on a Saturday? It's bad enough that Riri-san is all sleepy and drowsy but you're argueing right from the start too...
Rowanne: Well accuse that guy of starting it all! ><*
Kaleb: *radiates a dark aura* You do know, that as the duke of the dark court I don't tolerate being accused of something I had no participatio in whatsoever....
Whistea: *shaking a little* Nee Ro, let's not anger him. He's more dark then you. I wonder what part of riri-san's personality he got....O.o
Calliope: *puts the teacup down*....Judging by his words then the cold calm side....Plus her killer instinct....
Whistea: I never knew she had that in her...O.O"
Rowanne: Instinct shminstict. I don't care what that raccoon boy says - he ain't scary at all! XP
Kaleb: *creates a ball of black fire*
Whistea: Um, sis, I suggest you run...
Rowanne: *sees the orb, and begins to run*
Calliope: *waves her hand and summons a venus flytrap that gobbles up Rowanne*...That's the way I roll...^^ *looks at Kaleb*...You can relax now...Tweetle Dumb will be taking some time to get out of there...
Kaleb: *sits down at the table and takes a scone*
Rowanne: *suffocating in the flytrap*
Whistea: Eh...^^"
Me: *walks in* So, are you guys getting along well?
Kaleb: Very ^^ *reaches for a teaspoon and a slice of cake*
Whistea: Ehe....*sweatdrop*
Me: So I guess you're now willing to accept that Kaleb will officially be living with us from now on, and he will not be leaving the family. EVER.
Rowanne: *from inside the flytrap* WHAT!?
Me: Oh come on, it'll be fun Ro *opens up the flytrap*
Kaleb: Yay, so I'm in! ^o^
Rowanne: XP *passes out*


And so begins the new life of my new Shikyu Kaleb. ^^
Now, if you don't mind, I think I'm gonna go grab a second helping of my brother's birthday cake. Later days! '-~


Friday, August 6, 2010

Fragile Wishes

Day: August 6/10 Eating: apple-filled gingerbread pastries
Listening To: Hajimari No Hito by Suga Shikao
Mood: mellow, a little grey

So the Sanctuary will be under maintinance for the next few days so that means I get a break from the computer, right? Well, not really true. That means.....MORE TIME FOR MANGA READING! ^O^ Lol, I found some good series that I started to read, like Momo, Tegami Bachi, and Zombie-Loan (don't ask why, I have been in a little mood for mysteries/gory adventures lately). Arisa is another series and I can't wait for my favourite mangas like Barajou No Kiss and Stray Love Hearts to be updated with new chapters. Tooyama Ema's new manga KamiKami Kaeshi looks to be very interesting, judging from some of her amazing artwork I've seen (like I said amazing as usual) so I'll be staying tuned for that.

Have a very busy weekend ahead of me - tomorrow is my lil bro's b-day (he's turning 4! Haha, happy birthday! ^^) so I, like usually, will once again pull out my special watercolour paper, my lead pencil, eraser, paintbrushes, paints AND watercolour pencils and sits down to doodle a cute little card for him. I'm beginning to run out of ideas though for creative cards, but I hope my flow won't stop and I'll continue to make great cards that make everyone happy. I remembered of my concept of these animals I called 'Meefas' who are baby blue coloured, have bell-shaped heads with their fur poking in tufts at the bottom, big fluffy ears, smallish bodies but big puffy tails. I think I'll draw a card with one of those cause it's been forever since I've used them anywhere. Hope he likes it. ^^

Then this Sunday I'm going off to a wedding of one of my dad's friends, and he also happens to be my little brother's godfather (what a coinkidink!). It'll be like a normal wedding but I think with russian traditions, cause all of the people there speak russian (even though my family is ukrainian background) but I honestly don't know what to expect. To be honest, ever since I was little I've been paranoid about weddings, thinking how they are the end of the road, though I sometimes wonder if I'll ever have my own wedding when I grow up, or what it'll be like...

Ahem, so, anyways, I dunno why but I miss school. It's not really normal for someone like me who's tortured at school to wanna go back there. Yeah, I have one reason but I don't think it's a very valid one (I keep it to myself, unless you know it already *hint at my best friend who's following this blog*). I also wanna see everyone again and yeah, so that's a few more reasons right there. I hope that this year will be better than last because I've had to put up with so much stupidity I can't even start to describe it. There's also one girl I soooo don't wanna have in my class. I hate her for everything she did to me, and she hates me too. Wish she could get it deep down into her skull.

Oh, and that reminds me, before I go, I had talked to my best friend about my childhood friend John Sudol and how I've been trying to find him for all these years. We were tight friends, to be honest, and have been seperated many years ago. I've been trying to find him but without luck. I talked to my friend yesterday and she suggested we try looking on FB. We found one who could fit him, but after he accepted my friend's friend request and she looked over his profile he turned out to be older than my age, but the John I was friends with was and is my age. Ah, better luck next time. I'm still sure I'll see him one day though, judging from all those dreams I've been having.

And now I'm off to enjoy the nice breeze by the lake!
